Hello, December!

by - 03.01

Well. I just cant believe it.

via: google
Current mood: tidur, selimutan, ngemil, baca novel, terus turun salju.

Okay, so I dont know to write actually, maybe this one gonna be the random post... since I write this in dadakan time. Lol.
Hello, everyone, hows life? Hows college and school and work? Is it good? Are you feelin happy today? Hope life treats you well xx

What should I talk? I forget when was the last time I write on my blog. Ya know, I am extremely busy and this is all because of the homeworks. I dont wanna talk about it, really.

So... lots of things have changed... maybe me too but I dont know, everything was just like so... confusing. It doesnt have to be like that, but then it happened.

Do you get it?

I dont think I understand it too, lol hahahahaha.

1. Do What You Love

Alrightttt, lemme talk about something important and serious first.
I dont wanna talk it like really 'blak blakan' or something like that. So what Im trying to say is... do something that you really love.
Do. Something. You. Love. And. After. That. Love. What. You. Do.

Jadi maksudnya gini, kita ambil contoh gitu ya. Misal kamu suka sama bidang masak deh. Tekunin. And if you are sure if that is something that you really love and it is your passion, DO IT. YEAH. Ambil sekolah tentang masak, belajar bener-bener, dan kalau ngelakuin sesuatu yang kita suka, of course we do it with our heart right?
For everyone out there, buat yang sebentar lagi mau SNMPTN, please choose carefully. And think about it for thousand times. Do you really love the major you'll choose?

Karena seberat apapun tugasnya, seberat apapun bidang itu, kalau emang kita suka, semua pasti bakalan jadi gampang. Maybe you hear this for over and over again, but its true. Cause you do it secara ikhlas dan bener-bener suka. So, please please please think carefull and choose wisely. Okay?
And there's one thing I shoud remind you guys, nggausah takut dengan kata-kata 'kalau milih jurusan ini bakalan jadi apa entar?' OH GUYS. Please. If you are really good in that major you'll choose, you dont have to worry bout it. Rezeki semua sudah diatur sama Allah. Tinggal kitanya yang gimana bisa menjadi sebaik mungkin dan enggak pernah menyerah buat mencari. Meraih. Menggapai semua mimpi (duileh apaan banget dah)
So, first of all, listen to your heart. Apa yang kalian mau. Waktu mikirin ini jurusan, bikin kalia merinding-merinding sendiri nggak saking bahagianya?
And most of all, pray. Pray to God. Usaha bakalan percuma kalau kamu nggak ingat Tuhan.

2. The Process

Okay, so I just had a talk with my friend, Kak Bento. He is soooo funny but yet wise also. Me and Nadya said that he looks like Niall Horan lol.

"Orang-orang itu terkadang cuma liat hasilnya doang, nggak peduli sama prosesnya."

Well, I agree with that. Kebanyakan orang terkadang cuma peduli dengan hasil. Engga mau kepo tuh sama prosesnya. Contoh nih yang udah sering kita lihat dan pasti alamin. Ulangan. Lah, dikit banget tuh murid atau mahasiswa yang masih peduli sama proses. Rata-rata pasti cuma memperjuangkan hasilnya (well emang sih hasil itu penting banget dan ngga muna, aku juga begitu kadang. KADANG. Not all the times you cutie peeps) tapi ya... mau gimana. Sebenarnya hak orang kan ya mau dia gimana gimana What I can say is... let people just see the result of your process. Maybe they dont give a piiiippppppp of your process, but guess what? Proses itu indah. Proses itu membahagiakan. Proses itu menguatkan. Proses itu membuat hasil menjadi sempurna.

Pawwwww puitis amat dah lu nad.

Di proses itu kita yang ngejalanin, kita yang tau jatuh bangunnya, kita yang tau gimana rasanya memperjuangkan sesuatu yang memang kita pengenin banget. Dan begitu udah dapat hasilnya, lebih kerasa kan, bahagianya? Maybe people just see the result, mereka cuma liat itu. And once again, guess what? Kamu punya proses dan kamu juga puna hasilnya.

See who's the happiest?

For everyone out there who is on their process to achieve their dreams, please please please, do believe in your dreams. Maybe you almost there, maybe juts one step more, or two... three.. we never know, but if you give up, siapa yang tau kalau mimpi kamu tinggal selangkah lagi pas kamu mutusin buat nyerah?

Please, keep believing.

3. Cactus

Okay, so also just chat with Pity and we talk bout something... sad? Haha lol nope.
I just shared something bout cactus in my tumblr: http://nanadquamila.tumblr.com/post/135036838158/kalau-bisa-kurangkai-kata-kalau-ingin (im not galau okay)
Cactus. Kaktus.
Jadi... gimana ya. Hehehe.

"Menyayanginya seperti memeluk kaktus. Semakin erat, semakin sakit yang kau dapat."

Udah itu aja.

Tapi, ngapain juga meluk kaktus? Udah tau sakit kan ya.

Kurang kerjaan.

4. Lelah

I could say that Im not just physically tired, but also mentally t-i-r-e-d.
I keep regreting something that is already happened and that's what I'm doing now. Okay, dont wanna talk bout it.
I think I need a break from all these hectic situations. I wanna go travel the world, go to Jakarta or Bandung, go to Paris, London also to meet my husband (read: 1D) or go to Seoul to meet my bae (read: Big Bang, EXO) hahaha lol. Or the simple one, just go to a cafe with sushi, sapo tahu, cake, ice cream, and novels. That would be great.

I. Do. Need. A. Break. And. Everyone. Too.

Well, I dont know what to write anymore, maybe this is enough. Things will get better, pasti. Everythings gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, and me too. And your crush too, and everyone too. Bhay.
Oh yeah, my moodbooster for today was finding out the notif on my wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/TunistSMD (my fanbase wattpad) one of the comment just made my day (put love emoji here and there and there also lol)

See you, and be happy!

Nanad who is starving and need sushi so much.

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